
THEY'D say he's just confused, but doesn't that go for the rest of us?

Only focus lies in losing focus. He calls it a distraction. Like innocently heading out one evening, hoping to get refreshed by the dusky breeze and view of the city. Hmm... Part of the latter wasn’t the contour of the chick calling on the sidewalk. Noisy but his rapt attention clings to the clinging of her cleavage...

Oh snap. He claims to see women as radiant as the sun and would never reduce ‘em to sex toys. Yet, alone in the bathroom, he’s left palm creamed, butt naked, with a sextape reflecting on his pupils.

A Good man, but trapped in a bad habit, it becomes hard to see the best in yourself.

You'd say he's just confused, but doesn't that go for the rest of us?

Not relenting even in relenting. He'd say it didn't just work out. Like rocking the crazy melodies in his head called ideas; dancing to the beat of a drum only he could hear, no better definition of lunacy best suffice. Called stupid long enough, and gradually, he’s beginning to see reasons with the label…

Oh snap. He holds that slowly gradually and consistently is all it takes. Yet he’s behind a desk from nine to five, burying the echoes of his passion in the profit of paperwork.

Dreams succeed, but in the pain of failing, you make the results your definition.

We'd say he's just confused, but doesn't that go for the rest of us?

Such devotion only in no devotion. He'd rather you cut him some slacks. Like yearning for the presence of his maker, sizzling like dews on the lawn of his soul; but the narrow path is part of the process and behind is the silky swooning of the serpent, with hissing so enticing…

Oh snap. He idolizes the picture of saints on stained cathedral windows. Yet for the fifty-second Sunday without a sacred service, his heart is as weary as his body still in bed till noon.

A child of God, but when Satan snares holds for so long, you soon see yourself as his offspring.

I'd say he's just confuse, but doesn't that go for the rest of us? Even me? And yes, you?


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