Definition of Nothing

I came up from nothing, the metaphor isn’t lofty yet let me break it down to the tiniest piece:

That's watching pops pop out of character, masking the wrinkles of worries on his forehead with a forced smile that should inspire hope but dashes any I have in getting my demands met. Demands crucial to children he termed whims.

See, that's a hike with every trip in and out of school; sunshine frying my skin on a skillet and squeezing out any delight in hiking; singlet wetter than a pool. Soon, my once light brown complexion became swart.

Listen, that's life in a thriller: soundtracks composed of pops’ yelling, brewed from the belly of want; mom's whispering murmur, always wishing for more; and storms from the raging sea of little pocket neighbours and an impatient landlord.

Look, that's being placed on a diet loaded with crap: insults,  ridicules, bullying from the well-to-dos, bland meals from want of choice filled with bones of disappointment and starvation.

Boy, that's the perfume of misfortune bought from the finest perfumery of hideous experiences. Too eager to escape as my lung couldn't take it anymore. I was drowning… drowning in a cesspool.

Yes, I came up from nothing, but nothing was everything: the beautiful display of dentition in the face depression; creating melodies amidst the turbulence; the breeze of peace even in the heat; bittersweet memories in the making, and the air of greatness in withstanding mediocrity.

Tell me, what's joy without pain or sunshine without rain? Now, nothing has taught me something, a timeless lesson: when you hit rock bottom, you have nowhere else to go than the top.


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